Fequently asked questions
Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions regarding Yassir and its features. If your question isn’t included, please contact us at the bottom of the page and we’ll happily answer!
What is YASSIR?
YASSIR is a mobile application that allows you to order/reserve a taxi through your smartphone. This service is simple, fast, and secure.
Can I check the history of my rides?
Yes, you can access the detailed history of your rides (destination, fares, date...) at any time.
How can I identify my driver?
YASSIR sends your taxi request to the nearest driver, and their name and taxi registration number will be displayed. Additionally, once you accept the ride on the application, the driver will contact you by phone to confirm.
How can I update my personal information?
You can easily update your name, first name, and email address by clicking on the information to be modified in the Settings section of your YASSIR account.
How do I pay for my ride with YASSIR?
At the end of each ride, you will be prompted to pay the driver in cash, according to the amount displayed in the application. Other payment solutions will be available soon.
What should I do if I forget something in a YASSIR taxi?
No need to worry. If you are sure you left something in a YASSIR taxi, we will help you find it. Please contact our customer service at the number provided, specify the details of your ride (time, destination...), and give a brief description of your lost item. YASSIR will take care of returning the lost item to you.